Most of the day spent on the allotment in the sunshine.Every now and then I wandered around the whole plot incase Polly might show herself. She didn't. I began to do some autumn clearing - pulling up the spent squash, broad beans and sweetcorn and the occasional weed! I discovered 3 more squash as I was doing so - the lovely dumpling type, in pale cream with green or dark yellow striping and about the size of a large orange - now have to find some good recipes!  I even dug the bed over and covered it in cardboard. The Cosmos has decided to flower and I'm keeping my fingers crossed no strong wind comes along to flatten them nor rain to break their stems - they are so big any wind or extra weight will snap them! They are going to look glorious if they do open and I wonder what colour they will be - so far just a pink plant flowering profusely! 
I had a chat with Artichoke Woman - she has a huge plant on her plot which I often photograph! She lost her mum this year to cancer so like me didn't get to do all she wanted on her plot. We both have plans for the next growing season! Gardeners always have plans! 
I came home early afternoon and ate before heading back to potter some more and put the girls to bed. I have identified the top hen and bully of the coop - she chases Izzy around every morning. She used to be bottom of the pecking order but has obviously come into dominance now the other girls are getting on in years, she is also not moulting like the others so is more energetic! She sure is relishing her role. 
I discovered Milkshake had a sore spot on her mouth in the evening. She has either scratched herself or FatCat swiped her - they are meeting on the upstairs landing most evenings, much growling before Milkshake hurtles downstairs into the kitchen!  I used the Manuka honey I had for her operation - wiping my sticky finger on her paw - she was so busy licking it off her paw I think it distracted her from licking it off her mouth! 

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