Dublin Airport (Terminal 2)

We flew today from Dublin to Bradley Airport  (Hartford/Springfield), appreciating once again Aer Lingus's now year-old connection; we clear U.S. customs in Dublin and have a relatively short ride back home to Northampton.  Operations at the Dublin airport are more modern than ever; we weighed our bags and printed our baggage tags ourselves, and as we put the bags on the conveyor they were automatically photographed, and the customs officer who cleared us showed us  their picture, for double confirmation that we were who we purported to be.  (I'm still taking my digital blips the old-fashioned way, by hand-holding the camera :)   The blip is a view just after entering Terminal 2--indeed ultra-modern--notice the Irish Gaelic which always accompanies English in public displays.  The flight was routine, 6 hours and 45 minutes, but we were still fairly exhausted; so I'm posting this the next morning. 

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