
You know what? I actually quite like getting up early. It's the prospect of getting up prematurely that I don't enjoy. This morning I was up at twenty to five: kitchen (for coffee), bathroom (to get clean), bedroom (to get dressed), and then into the car (to drive to Manchester Airport). 

Despite the fact that I checked the folder in my satchel before I left, I still felt the need to ensure that my boarding passes and passport hadn't mysteriously disappeared as I drove down the M6. Not the safest thing to do while driving in the dark and the rain, tbh. 

And I had a good day: I met up with Steve in the car park, we flew to Dublin, and had a great meeting* before going our separate ways; he was staying for more meetings, and I was flying home. 

This photo is of the departure gate. Am I missing something here?

*with other people

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