Just married!

I am totally cream crackered...too tired to blip really, so will just bullet point my day!
- breakfast with Gill & a good old chinwag.
- wedding in the countryside! Took sooooo many photos... Never been to a wedding like this before - seriously chaotic! The bride was still making her dress this morning & was sewn into it, the chef was hired yesterday, the bridesmaids got creative and made an arch for the couple to marry under, this morning!!! Crazy!
- relieved to get home this evening! Longest time I've been away from Nate!
- out to the Ibiza Lights Festival with Gill....all in the port...different light installations - incredible! Met up with friends & bumped into others.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Meeting some nice people at the wedding.
2) Gill fitting in with our crazy day (which included a 5 year olds fancy dress party!)
3) Introducing Gill to some of our lovely friends here! 

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