An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


This girl's nose can sniff out a treat at a million paces.  This is her sitting beautifully expecting a treat for just sitting beautifully.  I may have given her one (or two :-)

Really nothing noteworthy about today other than the fact I am SO annoyed with David.  

As I have mentioned previously, the spare bedrooms have been redecorated.  In preparation for this the dressing table and bedside tables in the large spare room had been moved into the ensuite to let the painter get access.  

Now that the room has been decorated, it is time to get the furniture back into place and suddenly David has a confession to make.

Ages ago, when the furniture was moved, he had a glass of water in the room as it was warm work moving the furniture, which is solid oak.  Once the job was done, there was some water left in the glass and he leant over the furniture to pour it into the ensuite sink but the glass slipped and smashed on the tiled floor.  He cleaned it up immediately but didn't realise water had spilled onto the dressing table and one of the bedside tables and now there are horrible water marks all over both.  I am not best pleased <insert angry face> and have no idea why he couldn't just carry the glass downstairs with the water in it!

He's emailed a French Polisher so hopefully it can be sorted.   

Friday 13th and a good friend went through a cancer op today.  Thinking of him and his family.  It certainly puts the watermarks on the bedroom furniture into perspective.

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