living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Sleeping bunnies...

..and crocodiles, and lions, and monkeys Oh My! Cleo had a lovely play with Heffie this afternoon. They bounced and giggled, roared and snapped and built rainbow statues. There were a few sharing issues but that is to be expected. Hey, I am not the best at sharing, either!

This morning the Mr. and I were mystery shoppers. I can say the shop we were shopping at had a good day and they will get a glowing report. I can't tell you any more, though, it's top secret stuff... ;)

Funny Cleo quote of the day- this morning Cleo picked up chunks of her hair with both hands and held them out, saying, "my hair too hangly, make it cutty!" She has never actually had her hair cut ever so I don't know where she has seen or heard about this. It's probably on Charlie and Lola or something.... like everything else.

Another Cleo quote, less funny but still cute. I asked her if Dolly needed any milk before bedtime and she said Dolly couldn't have milk because "her not have her mommy."

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