Change of plan

As the weather forecast predicts more strong winds coming our way on Monday we havered about going up to Blackpool with 'Matilda' and this morning we made the decision wimped out not to ....... But as we'd packed her up yesterday we thought we'd take a trip a little closer to home - 5 miles to be exact! So after our flu jabs this morning we set off but only got 60 yards from the caravan storage when 'Matilda' became detached from the car and dropped her front end on the ground ......

Oh dear, obviously we hadn't hitched her up properly but the breakaway cable did its job, and after a 40 mile round trip to get another safety cable we and 'Matilda' were on the road again and arrived (safely) to our lovely small and peaceful site with its gorgeous views in time to enjoy a lovely Autumnal walk on this beautifully warm Autumnal day.

Talking of high winds, we're all thinking so much about our fellow Blipper, Wildwood, who is currently so affected by the raging fires in California. My heart goes out her, the family and all those affected.

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