Looking Up

I thought these Californian poppies would look nice against the sky and was surprised to catch a waxeye in the shot. Although the big flock has moved on there are still at least six that whirr about my head when I go into certain parts of the garden. The poppies are close to one of the Viburnum bushes that attract all sorts of tiny flies. The waxeyes flutter about catching them on the wing. They are not as agile as the fantails and swallows, but they seem to do all right.

Until today I had not seen the female blackbird since her collision with the kitchen window five days ago. I have been hoping that she was okay and that maybe she was sitting on the nest. The male has been visiting the feeders frequently, but today he was collecting worms. I put out a fresh apple, hoping the female would come to eat. Sure enough she came, looking very well, to stuff herself with apple.

Your response to my yesterday's blip was rather thrilling. So many views, comments and hearts that put my shot on top of the Spotlight page. A big thank you!

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