
Scientific name: Pittosporum eugenioides
Common name: Lemonwood
Maori name: Tarata

An endemic species widespread in lowland and montane forest in both the North Island and South Islands of New Zealand. It is New Zealand's largest Pittosporum growing up to 12 metres tall.

The leaves of Tarata release a strong scent of lemon when crushed and the clusters of pale yellow flowers are sweetly scented followed by distinctive black seed capsules.

A late blip tonight after a busy day. Groceries with mum and a quick cuppa before heading home to find Daughter E baking Chocolate Berry Muffins - they are delicious!!

We had a little wander round a local park where the Tarata trees are heavily in flower and the wax eyes were feeding on the Kowhai. The weather changed from a warm day with blue sky to a grey sky and cold breeze, once in the open we scurried back to the warmth of the car, both thinking the warm day would stay with us, how wrong we were.

Time now to make a warm drink - milk, honey and a little nutmeg before turning the light out.

Nite all.

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