The long & winding road ....

Back to the grey today but a bit of excitement. I dropped himself off at the bus stop and he caught a bus into Cork where he picked up the new car - a rather snazzy deep grey yes you've guessed it Micra. Not a new version just released - too expensive and they're huge with no curves - but a 2015 version. Just taken him for a razz down to Dunbeacon and all good. A tentative name (of course a car has to have a name) - Eugene. Himself is not keen though. 

Meanwhile I dropped Hector off at his new home - TJ's daughter has purchased him and is delighted. I then had to walk home across the mountain. It was damp and mizzling but just look at those colours.  The grasses and bog were looking magnificent! One for the Blipfoto challenge I think, if I can find the tag.

And last night's art house - Frantz, was excellent. Shot mainly in black and white, beautiful to look at and a compassionate yet melancholy look at the ordinary lives swept up and destroyed by war, in this case the First World War and a view from a French and a German family.  
Everyone was in the chipper - it was packed, many people still with no electricity!

The Long & Winding Road

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