With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Field day

Had one. Mondrago. Sorry to any teaching colleagues in the U.K. or anywhere grey at the moment for that matter. This has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world for a field trip. We hugged (and measured) trees, avoided the sunbathers on the beach (in fact, they almost seemed like walruses to be studied in their natural habitat, us in our work and school uniform) and had a fab time. The students were so well behaved, as ever, and a delight to be with.

Back in Soller, I caught the end of Little Agu's first athletics training, during which he jumped up and down a lot in excitement before running a lot. That's good then. Back home for a mountain of homework. Little A has a swollen and purple finger from an accidental 'stamping' incident at school and can't write very easily, so his took less time than usual as I had to write for him. Trying to get my cursive script like theirs was a challenge. I hope his teachers approve. Ben is swamped by commutative and asscoiative properties of additions, subtractions and multiplications. That's new to me! They seem to learn a lot of grammatical mathematical terms. All I can remember is BODMAS. Now how does that work? If I could remember I would be able to waste a little time on that stupid facebook problem that's whizzing about with thousands of comments. I think I'll stick to my biological terms succession and climax species, they have a more romantic air. Ha ha ha!

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