7th letter of my phrase.

This morning the sun was shining beautifully through the blinds on my window and then I thought that one of my curls would make a nice "S" :)

It's been a really nice day here in Edinburgh. It wasn't too cold, it was dry and the sun was shining. At work we're getting lots of visitors for this time of the year. It was a rather busy day today and, on top of that, we had a few technical problems. And when do things break down?, of course at peak time! Sod's law! Haha! In spite of that little hiccup, everything went ok afterwards!

The techie guys at work sorted out a wee problem I was having with my computer and cleaned up all the useless crap I had in it as well, making it run faster, so they're getting some chocolate cake soon! :)

Off tomorrow. Planning to go to the gym and have a relaxing day afterwards.

Thanks very much for all your comments! I hope you all had a great day! :)

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