
By RobBris50

A Big Thank You to Kendall is Here,

There have been plenty of school trips this week and I've been working in a different class, but we still had time for Photo of the Week. This week Kendalishere kindly offered to show a picture to Endeavour class. One of our Core Values at school is creativity, I wanted to show this to the class as it's a great way of using an image to tell a story in a different way.

It made me smile, as for a couple of days there was plenty of whispering and pointing as they waited in line in class, the image clearly grabbed their attention. Even though no pupil could identify what the image was, they pretty much all agreed that it was a great photograph, They liked the crispness of the ash, the blurred background and the lack of colour.

When I told the pupils about the story behind the photograph, there was a strong emotional response with many changing their minds about the image, 'It's really sad' was the common theme,

We will be having a two week break from Photo of the Week as it's school holidays next week and training the week after,

The additional image was taken at the Bristol Hippodrome, our class went to see Michael Rosen. He was ace!

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