Running Water

I was awake at 3 a.m.  and gave up trying to sleep at 4! A lot on my mind at the moment..not all of it good.

So I made an early trip to the supermarkets for the ‘big shop’ and was home by 10! Coffee, then dog walk for an hour and then off to meet daughter and granddaughter for coffee / lunch. We also traded laundry… I delivered her a large pile of clean and she brought me more stuff to wash. The engineer visited her machine yesterday to find it needs a complete new drum and bearing assembly. It has had two new motors, two new main circuit boards, new suspension struts and now needs the drum replacing! It is less than one year old, there is almost nothing original left.

Home again and our washing machine is running again. Guess what I will be doing all day tomorrow….

Oh and I did manage a shot of running water in the woods. Another entry for my “104 Things To Photograph” project….

Sleep and calmness needed…. and some happy pills I think, but no appointments available at the doctor until middle of next week. Beer might be an alternative medicine…

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