A Birthday Walk

Our friend M, who also happens to be the mum of Molly the cat, recently had a big birthday. Her birthday wish was to go on a hike with her friends, a family at a time, in one of their favourite locations. Today it was our turn!

We went to the double bird lakes close to the dog club, where miraculously she had never been. Molly the cat was not allowed to come. It was a glorious day, and we had brought a yummy picnic with deconstructed beetroot goat's cheese sandwiches and pear muffins and the sun was shining. M was put in charge of my lead and of my treat bag. Oh, you wouldn't believe how many rocks I found to jump! For a treat.

We ended up doing the walk twice, because mum thought she had dropped her phone somewhere along the way. In the end, the phone was found in the car. Mum was embarrassed but I didn't mind. Double dog walks - what's there not to like?

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