LCY morning

The towers of Zenith aspired above the morning mist; austere towers of steel and cement and limestone, sturdy as cliffs and delicate as silver rod.

Ive a nine o'clock flight back to Edinburgh from City airport and I get there in good time. Of Storm Brian there is no sign, and we climb calmly and punctually into a cloudless blue sky.

One cup of tea an d bacon roll later, we plonk down at Edinburgh, and it's the short journey home. I begin to require the exterior barn lights that have been tripping the breaker for months. It's a tiresome, muddy job, but needs to be done. Hopefully, I'll finish it tomorrow.

Claire and Angus come for tea - roast chicken, baked leeks, potato, kohl rabi, and beetroot. Not forgetting the gravy.

Claire and I go to the Netherurd social evening. It's more fun than I would have expected. There are nibbles everywhere - crisps, nuts, dips, chocolates - far too tempting. We don't really meet many new folk, but it's good to catch up with the neighbours.

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