PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Grey Wagtail

There is a stream that runs through middle of our bear centre which i really adore. We have a road bridge to cross over it as the water levels can get pretty high with heavy rain. Usually I go speeding across it on my bike on the way to a bear house or up to the laundry but today S. called me on the radio to say she could see a kingfisher sitting on a rock in the stream. Perfect timing as I needed to put on some washing! I grabbed my bags and double timed it to the creek, just in time to capture a beautiful shot (although a bit too far away to be blipworthy) before he flew away (two days til my new beastie camera!!!).

I had decided to walk to the laundry and on the way back I scanned the creek in vain hope for the kingfishers return but was instead rewarded with this Grey Wagtail! He (I think) was rather content to flit from rock to rock, bum bopping wagging his tail with not a care in the world. Sometime it pays off to walk and just survey the surroundings a little bit more :)

P.S. Two and a half days til I'm on holidays and my partner T. visiting! Its been four and a half months of long distance so far and I can't wait to see him!!

P.P.S I stand corrected, by a very good birdy friend - it isn't an Eastern Yellow Wagtail, but a Grey Wagtail!

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