Spider Stretching In The Sunshine

After locating it the other day, this afternoon I visited Balls Wood. I walked through the heather and gorse of heathland at Hertford Heath to get to it. I'm not used to that sort of country, it made a nice change. I also liked finding a trigpoint in the middle of it. I don't often see them either.

I walked along one of the rides into Balls Wood and saw water glinting through the trees. I spent quite a bit of time by this pond looking for spiders as I hadn't yet got a decent shot for Day 22 of #Arachtober. I shot a female common darter dragonfly then this lovely spider on a pendulous rush. Not sure of its identity, think it is a stretch spider of some sort.

Today's poem is The Buried Stream by James K Baxter. I'm afraid I can't find a suitable link to this. On reading the title I immediately thought of stream of consciousness writing and started to research that but was barking up the wrong tree I think.    

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