
By CanCarrier

Beach finds.

The cassette had no printing I could read. 

I spent a couple of hours at the Mountains in Mind Photography Exhibition.  Raising awareness of the benefits of walking for mental health and wellbeing. 

There were a couple of hundred of amazing photos of Scottish mountains with such inspiring quotes as 'It is a mountain, get over it'. 

Prints could be purchased for as little as £5 and I went in with an open mind about buying a photo of any of my favourite mountains. 

But I discovered something. Each time I came across a beautiful mountain I had personal memories of walking up I discounted the photo because the people in the shot were not my friends, or it was a summer shot on a hill I'd done in winter, or some other excuse. 

Then I realised that although my own photos of these hills are certainly not to the same standard they are mine, and therefore irreplaceable. 

So I didn't buy any, and instead came home and revisited my Blips. 

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