More Fungi

Milo, our canine guest, was a little unsettled last night and howled for a long while after we went to bed…. I think I fell asleep before she stopped.

So I had two ‘friends’ with me today on our walk. I am not even going to take my SLR out with me - as between them they are a bit of a handful. I did mange to grab a few shots of this great little colony of fungi growing on one of the felled trees in the woods.

I couldn’t decide which to use so merged them together for this triptych.

Lots of rain since we got back - but I am hoping for a little respite before the second walk later this afternoon.

Renegotiated our broadband and mobile contracts this morning - why is everything so complicated - just send me the lowest prices for a service, why do I have to keep adding bits just to get a lower price. I did get a doubled data allowance on my mobile for the same price though! Do we really need 76Mbps broadband? Yes, I tested it this morning and that is what it is running at - there are only two of us and there are only so many devices we can use at once!

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