Here & There

By UncagedKiwi

Day 1 in St Pete Beach

Well, that was a long flight, but all was as good as one can expect. Let's forget the 17 hour time difference and get into local time as quickly as possible (hence losing a Blip day in the process).
Its now Tuesday night here, and it's been a great first day. After torrential rain on arrival we awoke rather late to a warm 24 degree partly sunny day. Spent the morning sorting technology stuff, re-activating our American SIM cards, bank account, Skype credits for work calls, making sure everything worked smoothly.
The Cleveland family arrived early pm - young C is such a delight. Surely he can't remember us from July at the age of 5 months? But within minutes he breaks into huge smiles when we speak to him as if we had never left. He is quite a character.
St Pete Beach is pretty touristy. But this is where K's conference is being held and it is extremely comfortable and well set up. I will look for photos that don't perhaps focus on the touristy side of the resort.... A lovely streaky-cloud sky this afternoon.

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