Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Look at this, look at this!!!

I met Ms Ink for coffee this afternoon and was already most excited because she was bringing me my copy of '101 Ways To Do Something Impossible' which would have been todays blip, HAD SHE NOT THEN PULLED A RABBIT OUT OF HER BAG FOR ME!

It's a rabbit and a teapot and it's all mine! I LOVE it! Which you can perhaps tell from the number of extremely excited exclamation marks!
I have been wandering around my house with the head singing to myself in delight. There will now be endless blips of rabbit head meeting pink bird or rabbit head sitting in flower pots....

Even better I was actually sitting reading 'Alice in Wonderland' and making notes for my new collection of Alice themed jewellery when MsInk came in. So presenting me with a white rabbit couldn't be more appropriate!

I'm now going to be scouring charity shops and flea markets for something even more impressive (*cough* hideous) to give back to her....

Challenge Accepted!

Hehe I'm not sure that her partner, Cinn, is going to be especially pleased about this turn of events!

I've had an absolutely rubbish week so far but have been so very cheered by my coffee with Ms Ink that my disposition is radically improved. I'm all 'la la la, lala la la' around the house now which is quite a stark contrast from just holding my head and groaningand muttering angrily to myself all day yesterday.

And I haven't even started talking about my '101 Ways...' book yet! I'll be blipping that soon.

And now I'm off to play with my teapot :D

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