One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Headless chickens

Running round in circles, flapping wings and crapping everywhere. 
Since 7.30AM this morning. 

It's been a productive day in the Mistake Factory today. 

The new CEO's message of "Simplify, Simplify, Simplify!" has been heeded. And forwarded. And reworked. And brainstormed. And more stakeholders were brought on board. And it was rereworked. And forwarded some more, for additional feedback. And the implementations were analysed. And implemented. Some of them. Other were brought on board. By additional stakeholders. With black belts in brainstorming.
I can feel a kaizen event coming. 
Which will be the premise for a corporate awareness campaign. 
I'd be tempted to bet that we will be asked to Simplify! Simplify! Simplify! 
When all the stakeholders have agreed on the fact that there was a lack of urgency with just one exclamation mark, that three were needed. 
In six months' time, I'll find out if I am right. 

Jayzus I am wrecked. I really need to put my head down. 

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