Old Video.

Have spent the day trying to finish my tidying up.

I've been trying to sort out Christian's room.  When he died nearly 7 years ago, I couldn't bear to part with any of his things, apart from a few old clothes.

So his room as remained untouched.  However, not long ago we gave his TV to Alexandra and Peter, and now we've re-used his TV stand.

By doing this we had to unplug all his game machines.  I thought I'd get rid of them, as we're never likely to use them.  I suppose I should put them on ebay or Gumtree, but they are old technology so not sure is anyone would want them.

I have hundreds of games, anime dvds, and models, that he never got to put together.  The models he made when he was very sick, just for something to do.

I've given his room a good clean, thrown some things away, but the rest -
I expect I will put it all back, and leave it for another day.

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