Water and oil - AT122

A first for me,  I've never tried this oil and water experiment before ! It's water in a huge glass baking dish towering with its ends on two chairs above colourful wrapping paper and drops of oil in/on the water. I don't have enough time to do a whole set-up of tripod and light, so it's hand-held and not pin sharp, but then when do I ever have pin sharp images anyway ;-) I've straight-cropped it and because the optional AT theme is 'movement' I've given it a 'rain' effect in PS Elements to have a bit more idea of motion. I'm looking forward to seeing all the Abstract Thursday entries. Do remember to tag your entry AT122 and please tell me if even after an hour or so your entry does not end up in the whole AT122 selection here.

I chose my wrapping paper with pink as one of the main colours for Pinktober, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you want, please follow this link  and click on the pink button for free mammograms for those who can't afford them otherwise.

Thank you very much for your kind comments, stars and even a fave for yesterday's dahlia with hungry caterpillar :-)

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