Sludge and trudge

There are many better photos of the first snows of winter in Finland today than mine. In central Helsinki, it hasn't stopped sleeting all day, and eventually some of it has settled - here in what is currently a car park in front of our buildings. I think the buildings look quite inviting in this photo. I was hoping so, as I was wading through almost ankle deep sludge in the car park in order to get home for my dinner.

I also managed to get a haircut. I asked KK for a recommendation, and her suggestion to go and see Tony has come good, as far as I can tell. After 10 years of Simon cutting my hair, it was quite a leap of faith to let someone else have a go. The only problem is that Tony is in Eira so that was a 20 minute trudge through sludge to get there, and the same to get back. It's a good job I'm equipped with a good jacket and shoes with gortex linings, isn't it? I think they will be getting quite a lot of use this year.

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