No Through Road :(

It's my Burnham-on-Crouch sister's birthday today. She's not as into wildlife as I am but I know that she and her Ollie dog enjoy spotting wild things for me to photograph. I bought Robert Macfarlane's Lost Words for her, as much for the Jackie Morris illustrations as for the words and planned to deliver it after a wildlife walk. Then I got a call from my granddaughter who wanted her toenails painted red for an event this evening. I went to hers 'on the way' but it wasn't. Her red polish was old and gloopy and so was mine but we coped and she was happy. :)

As it happens it has rained all day so I haven't missed a wildlife walk. I had a nice chat and homemade cake at my sister's and went onto the marshes near her home with the camera just before it got dark. I saw our Kes and was surprised to see a huge flock of mallard ducks on some newly cultivated land. Maybe it had just been sown and they were after the seed?

I continued along the road pictured and came to a new, firmly closed gate across it. How am I, my sister and Ollie dog going to get to our darling little beach? :(

Today's poem is Light by Elizabeth Jennings.

EJ wrote "in order to know, to discover, to get things clear".

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