Tea time!!

I had a choice of a droopy sunflower, different views of the windmill blip from yesterday or aircraft!! This one won!!

Worked my second shift for this week this morning and I'm done until the last week of the month due to my trip to the conference in Beijing!!

I had blood samples taken late yesterday afternoon by my GP. This afternoon I got a call from the surgery to say one sample had leaked and needed to be redone!!! No problems, just give me an appointment for today... not next week....done!!

I offered the nurse the choice of arms, the left unblemished arm or the right bruised mess. No guessing which she picked. I had planned to blip my arm today, but it will wait until tomorrow, the colours will look more spectacular with time!!!

Take home message from this .... Leave the bloodletting to those who do it most often....the nurses or phlebotomists!! Most GP's will admit they are :0(

The final set of pictures from Linton Zoo have been uploaded.

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