Saddle cover.....

Another the morning after the day before posting! These are becoming far too frequent ...I may have to re-think things here. I still have the Rhine journal to catch up on. OK Some days are "busy" but others are still very mufti and unsettled. i WILL get there!

Today, Thursday, was SO different weather-wise from the week so far. Drizzly, misty and damp (dank even). It changed plans here. We set off for Sawston, Cambs, after an early lunch and the journey happened as SatNav said and we arrived when she said we would and found a parking place in our usual road...wonderful. 

Our walk into town from there is over the bridge by Trinity Hall College, where our nephew is studying, and there were plenty of punts on the river. I love to watch them... Then we walked past the entrance to the college where this bike displayed the perfect catch for today....a PINK saddle cover supporting breast cancer research! There are lots of these around plus other colours, all put on bikes by different advertising and sponsoring companies. Great idea for a town where bikes are THE way to get about!

A nice casual pootle along the college fronts before going back to the car and onto Sawston where J& A had both been working from home and had the kettle on for us. 

Back into town for a meal in Cote to celebrate A's birthday which is on Wednesday. Lots of catching up done. THEY really are "busy" and love spending time with friends most weekends. This one will be in Cornwall, via Bath. 

The journey home was good too. The rain had stopped, the traffic gone, the tunnel clear and we were home before midnight...fantastic. 

And we have heard from the family on holiday in Dubai and they are really enjoying themselves. S has swum with dolphins, M has water-skied, O has doughnutted from behind a speed boat... and the dhow cruise is being eagerly awaited. I am sure E has had her fun too!

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