Kit Hill Berries!

Off to be shorn at the hairdressers today - he reckons my hair is getting whiter - I'm not surprised with all the worrying I've been doing! I had a sudden surge of panic at one point - no idea why, which makes me even more certain it is hormone linked. There was absolutely no reason for it. I covered it by asking him to stop cutting my hair saying I was having a hot flush - I dropped my head to my knees and breathed! Mention of such things guarantedd to make a man not ask too many questions! 
I decided after yesterdays traumatic walk that I must get out each day and do a walk on days when I don't go to the allotment. So after my haircut I went up Kit Hill - guaranteed to blow the cobwebs away! I had much fun taking photos of the berries and then had a little walk down from the the summit to admire the changing colours of the bracken and grasses. I did spot some lovely cows and started to walk down towards them but the closer I got the bigger they became and I realised they were not in the  adjacent fields but roaming free! This produced slight anxiety for some reason so I  turned round and walked back up! I quietened my mind by attending to the sounds my footsteps made and by the time I got to the top I felt calmer. 
I did feel quite jittery for the rest of the day but putting the girls to bed on the allotment seemed to help and after an evening of my favourite shows I had an early night. Forgot to phone the Dr - on my list for tomorrow after doing the morning hen open! 
I was going to blip the extra as it seemed to represent the tangle that is my mind at the moment - but pretty bokeh seems a better thing to look at!

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