Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I'm using all available help in my search for work. Today I met up with a career coach at Uni. This building is just 3 months old and the contrast between the main university building and this one is miles... I, personally, like the old main building more. The architecture and atmosphere is hard to beat! But, the newest is very airy and light, so I kind of like it too. Instead of career coaching the way I thought (what jobs can I apply for with my education) I got a one on one CV and personal letter meeting and it was really good! She suggested that I put the thing I was most proud of first... so, now my education is on top and then my work experience and so on. I've even put in small picture icons to show what I'm interested in. A camera, a figure working out, a plant, sewing machine and so on... even R2 D2 is there, and that might spark curiosity as it's difficult to see that it's 'him'. Hopefully it'll make the CV a bit more memorable. And, I even have a photo of myself too.
Yesterday I had another meeting and got the offer that I could send CV and personal letter to her if I wanted a second opinion. After finishing one today I sent it to her, and now await feedback. I'm so thankful for all the help at hand!

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