If you look really, really closely, you won't see the pair of Bottlenose Dolphins. They popped up a couple of times, as I was cycling over the usual big bridge. Didn't seem to be moving much, so I stopped and hauled out the camera, and waited for them to resurface. And waited. And waited... I'm sure they did resurface, just not on this side of the bridge. This was the one and only snap taken today.

Resisted the temptation to snap the Fire Brigade and all their blue flashing lights reflecting off the College tonight. Someone or something set the alarm off... just as I'd removed my troos to change into the cycle home garb. Quick cover up, grab all the rest of the paraphernalia and shopping, and rush outside. Sorted everything else out whilst out in the chill breeze, waiting for the all clear. Late again, after sorting stuff - successfully - that'll mean much happiness for one colleague tomorrow.

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