All Hallow's Eve

Asha had all sorts on at school today - cake with her classmates, a picnic in the park with them, face painting etc... She came home happy & exhausted. 
Her friend had invited her to go round to a few (prepared) neighbours homes tonight, so we decided to let her go. We met some lovely people and Asha has enough sugar to last her til Christmas (2018). 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Putting together a facebook page of photos so I have somewhere to signpost people to when I do odds & ends...I was really touched by people's positive reaction to it/me.
2) Meeting some lovely people tonight...including an 86 year old Ibicencan woman who may well start giving Asha piano lessons!
3) Seeing a friend, Claire, who's been off the island for the last 3 weeks.

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