Eglise Notre-Dame de Royan

During World War II, Royan was an important German fortress defending the Gironde Estuary.
In 1945 it was extensively bombed by the RAF with massive destruction and heavy civilian casualties. This previously very elegant resort was rebuilt in uninspiring modernist style in the 1950s.
The destroyed church of Notre-Dame was rebuilt on a grand scale in reinforced concrete. Sadly with limited funds, the full plans were not realised and the concrete soon proved not to be up to the harsh seaside conditions.
It is gradually crumbling and costly major renovation work is ongoing.
Nevertheless, it is an impressive structure of its type and I think it warrants being saved even though it might not be to everyone's taste.
The first of today's extra photos show the stunning interior, and the second shows how the church dominates the town viewed from the beach. 

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