
By jeffpaps

Empty Beach.

Recognised that we have now been living in Ibiza for 4 months as we turned the page of our calender to welcome November.
If we had been in the UK I would have been cutting up firewood and having the annual debate about when the central heating should be timed to come on. However in Ibiza the sun was shining the temperature was above 20 degrees so we went to the beach.
Cala Cabo is a pretty little Cove hemmed in by rocky outcrops and with a gently sloping beach that sinks into clear waters. It screamed at me to swim, so I obliged. As you can see from the photo it was not overcrowded!

Today I am grateful for:
Space to reflect and pray.
Warm sunshine in November.
A virtually empty beach on which to read and soak up the sun with my wife!

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