
By jeffpaps

Bikes at the ready

Today I felt the need to blow the cobwebs away and get out for a run. I had seen a few people running along the promenade at Santa Eularia so pulled on my trainers and set out for a run up to the end of the promenade and back. I must be fitter than I feel because apart from a little pain in my dodgy knee I completed 5 k with a minimum of fuss.
It was a good start to the day, followed by a walk into town to buy a few necessary items we are still missing, like a can opener, a tape measure and some insulation tape. We stopped off for some lunch but I think grilled squid might have been an error of judgement....never again.
This afternoon I dusted off the mountain bike and went to collect a key from a friends house. Once on the bike I decided to explore one of the cycle routes that took me towards San Joan and down some windy lanes that ended at the leisure centre in STA Eularia.
What with running. walking and cycling I think I used up a few calories.

Thankful for being healthy. For the knowledge that I definitely do not like squid and for the beautiful scenery I have enjoyed today.

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