Flower Friday : Pep Ventosa Technique

I thought that for today's FF blip I'd join those blippers currently experimenting with the Pep Ventosa photographic technique ("if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" etc!).

So this is my first go. 20 photos were taken with the camera on a tripod, rotating the vase (a total of 180 degrees) bit by bit between each shot. I then put them via Lightroom onto separate layers in Photoshop and set the opacity for each one to 15%. Back in Lightroom I boosted the clarity to 100% and used the dehaze function, plus a little more tweaking here and there.

(I think it looks best large, against black).

It's certainly a fun technique: thanks to fellow blippers for letting us all know about the technique, I'd never heard of it before.

Thanks too as always of course to BikerBear for hosting FF.

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