Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


I don't know whence the idea came, but the other day my daughter made a "mouth mask": a roaring fang-filled mouth, cut out, and worn as a mask, for the mouth. Duh. Of course. She got Mstr 5 into making his own as well. Today he wanted it on while they were watching Star Wars. Of course. Duh.

And I took photos. Of course. Duh, and such.

This was my favourite, and unfortunately the noisiest of those I took. Efforts to recreate it, with better control of camera parameters so as to get a cleaner image failed (never work with kids or animals). ;-) And I do love this.

Larger here.

And colour here. I was going to go with colour for the blip, but somehow he seems, both for me and for Mrs tsuken, to "pop" more in the B&W.

Also, I am totally in love with this new lens. Everything seems more "SLR-y". ;-)

Ran this morning. A little splinty - and some discomfort behind my other knee makes me think I am favouring the splinty leg, as much as I'm trying to avoid doing so. Walked about a km at the end of it, as I thought that would be sensible.

Later I did a lot of work around the kids' sandpit and cubby-house, as the bark had become more of an auxiliary lawn. xP Pulled all that up, checked the weedmat underneath (I had thought it must be full of holes with weeds growing through, but in fact the weeds had just established chunks of sod on the top of the mat. After clearing that I covered it all with pine chip I had delivered today. Most satisfying. 8)

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