Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Hand in Hand in Hand

Today is my birthday, and I got new glass - of the f/1.7 variety; 20mm, which on my G10 with its 2x crop sensor size, gives the same field of view as a 40mm lens on a full-frame SLR. ^_^

Loooovely lens. I love the clarity, the amount of light it lets in, and the shaaaaaaaaalllllow field you can get.

Here you see my boy's hand in mine (and his other hand in his mother's). I was just messing about as we were walking to the Comic Shop in Liverpool (where I scored two Star Wars omnibuses, Miss 6 got a Star Wars single issue - Darth Maul, surprise, surprise - and Mstr 5 a Cars comic book - ditto), but I ended up really liking this. I've taken a couple of similar shots before (but sod if I know when, so no links, sorry), but this f/1.7 lens just does it better.

Probably worth a larger look.

Off out to dinner this evening, to eat boat-loads of seafood, and oceans of cake. 8)

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