Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The day started with a visit to the gym, although I was both tired and a bit dizzy. The street the gym is at, has for a period of time been a street for trouble... drugs and arguments during the evenings, police patrolling and even a shooting. Last week there was a large police 'gathering' and they took several people into custody. Hopefully that area will be a little calmer now. I stood outside the gym for a couple of minutes talking to my friend, who works at the gym, about this police action last week, and when I was on my way home I was 'greeted' by sirens and police cars. Even a helicopter was called in and it's was hovering around for an hour or more. Now it's quiet. No idea why yet. 
On a more positive note, I've seen that large red tomato for some days now and when I went to take a photo I saw that it has friends. Most of them are green still. This makes me especially happy, since this is a tomato plant from one of the tomatoes I planted my first tomato-growing-summer and took seeds from. This plant is so resilient! It nearly broke a branch of when I took it inside and I managed to put the branch 'in place' and support it. It's done well and is the branch the tomatoes are growing from. Today my growth light arrived and I'm going to put them in the windows now, to give the plants some extra light. My chilis are changing colour. I don't think those plants are feeling well at all and I hope the extra light from the growth lights will give them some extra energy. I'm excited to see if the growth lights will give me possibility to grow veggies even during the darker months!

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