Waiting Well

The wonder of green grass growing! So many months of tinder-dry yellow straw covering the ground... Portugal is still in a critical state of drought, worst since records began, but at least we've had enough rain for this to happen, it's so beautiful.

This is looking up from the middle of the land, through the gap in the stone wall that separated the two tapadas (walled-in bit of land) to the corner of the pigsty that we eventually want to live in... it's one of my favourite spots.

Interestingly, met our long lost architect as we came walking back to the flat, and asked if there was anything we need to do to make progress with the plans. No, he said, unfortunately the same people got voted back in, there's a lot of corruption, and we just need to wait while he tries to find a way... All confirmed by another friend, who we'd met just before, who was saying, folk here are nice to you as long as you don't touch on politics or power or change...

Patience is the companion of wisdom - St Augustine

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