Sandcastle Holidays

By Sandcastle

Libraries are Open Longer!

A dilemma. Book group book we chose on Wednesday night was £4.99 for the Kindle edition, but there were 3 copies available in the Edinburgh Library Catalogue. As I'm unlikely to read it more than once, and am really mean and have to make economies, I decided to venture in to Central Library this afternoon, as this weekend marks the start of extended opening hours on a Saturday. Ten a.m. till 5 p.m. no less.

Have come home with a pile of interesting books, including the one I actually went for.

Also went down to the Edinburgh Room and consulted some old maps of the city, finding one which had circles drawn upon it, dating back to 1862. It was called "Hislop's Time Gun Map of Edinburgh and Leith". From it I deduced that our cottage is within the 4 second radius. This means that it takes the sound of the One O'Clock Gun 4 seconds to travel there. Therefore, to set your timepiece with accuracy, you would have to subtract 4 seconds from the hearing of the REPORT in order to obtain the exact moment of fire; or One O'Clock, Greenwich Mean Time. Life is so much easier if you just use your phone!

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