Shugborough Hall

I've spent the day on a photography course at Shugborough Hall. This half concealed photo of the red bridge by the Japanese pavilion was the one I got a star for and that the others liked best.

I think that going on a course is quite a testament to how enthusiastic I have become about taking photos since I first got involved with Blip. I wanted to learn more, and to get some technical understanding so that I could really appreciate what goes into good photos - and to help me to learn from other blippers' ideas.

I know my photos have improved.
I have moved off the automatic settings.
I've become really interested in butterflies and macro photography in general.
I am far more aware of interesting light and beautiful scenes (frustratingly even when I am driving !)
I have noticed so much more around me, especially odd or funny moments which have led to interesting conversations at times.

On Blip particularly, I have made many good friends and been in contact with so many inspirational and talented people. I have also been particularly appreciative of the support of my fellow blippers - in personal and emotional matters as much as with my photos.

Thank you Blip friends. It has been a wonderful experience - so far.

Blip is certainly addictive - and I would recommend it (with the appropriate health warning) to anyone who wants to make the most of the world around them.

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