
By jeffpaps

Secret beach.

We had been having a frustrating morning with technology trying to activate a new sim in Suzy's phone. Why is technology so frustratingly slow to fix?
Finally we set off to explore Jesus the town that is just up the road from our home in Siesta. There were a few restaurants but no real community centre. We did not stay long but instead headed towards Talamanca. On the way we found this pretty beach down a dirt track. There were two people and a dog on the beach. The dog did not take kindly to our arrival, yapping away and biting at my heels in an attempt to drive us away.
I took a few pictures and then we drove on to Talamanca before driving on to watch the sunset at San Antonio.
Tonight we met with the majority of the 24-7 church team after a break for the gathering in Birmingham. It was great to meet up and share experiences.

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