Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today started at the gym and then I had a meeting with my contact at the Employment Agency. We discussed the future for me and I told him about the reservations I had for the job I got. It's just by the hour and they will call me in when there's work. I can't live of it so my contact J told me about some other options and we made plans. When I came home I emailed J the email I got from the company that wanted to hire me and he called me about it. We made the decision that I would hold off on signing any contracts for now. I emailed the boss at the company that I awaited answer about another job opportunity that would give me 50%. She understood and no bridges were burned, rather I still have the offer on the table. That was a good email and it felt good to take this decision. I'm keeping busy in the meantime, while waiting for answers on some jobs I've applied for and answer from my contact J. 

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