Capital adventures

By marchmont

Edinburgh icon

I'd worked v late night b last v night and then I didn't sleep well.  There was a helicopter circling overhead for ages which allows me to get up and look, and see if the Northern Lights were visible.  They weren't.  But there was an ambulance parked over the road.

Later worked from home and did a bit of multitasking with E. A last minute issue before lunch meant I had to keep me phone on while I was at the College.

It was back to Granton. The College is right beside the old Coal and Gas works, now partly a park, and the redundant gasometer. It can be seen for miles across the city.

Today  I drove to and fro via the city and it was much quicker than last night's wheek round the bypass.

Slobbed at home on the settee in front of the tv with some red.

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