No. 1-8-2-5 !!!

Five years of blogging.  I suppose I'm to blame ... hahaha!  And to think I had concentration problems when I was young, 'they' said.  Actually, I still have them, but that is only when I'm doing something I don't enjoy.

This was shot right after my morning lecture on the 6th (top) floor of the new building.  20 minutes earlier, there was nothing much to see as it was all grey and wet, and then, suddenly, almost everything cleared.  I had to run down to my office on the 1st floor (not the ground floor) to fetch my camera, and the view had even improved by the time I got back.  Fridays this block are the busiest and so I was glad to have been able to snatch this shot.  It isn't the best policy now to wait for a sunset.

THANK YOU for hanging around and dropping by once in a while.  You've all been a tremendous support.  I value the friendships I've developed these past years, and appreciate the respect you've shown my blog.  I hope to meet more of you in the course of the coming years.  Viva BLIP!

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