Bhutan Forever

Ar fore Sul aethon ni i Jambey Lhakhang, Roedd y Gompa yn cael ei adeiladu yn y 7fed ganrif. Mae'n anhygoel i feddwl am bobol sy wedi bod ymarfer Bwdhaidd yma dros y 1300 o flynyddoedd olaf

Yna aethon ni i Kurjey Lhakhang, sy'n cael tri o demlau hyfryd sydd wedi cael eu hadeiladu rhwng 1652 a 1984. Er cawson nhw eu hadeiladu mwy nag tair canrif ar wahân maen nhw'n defnyddio'r un bensaernïaeth. Mae'n un o'r pethau godidog am Bhwtan, maen nhw'n defnyddio eu pensaernïaeth draddodiadol ym mhob man. Mae'n rhoi ansawdd di-amser i'r lle.

Ar ôl cinio, gwnaethon ni cerdded o Tamshing Lhakhang oedd cael ei adeiladu yn 1501 gan Pema Lingpa.

Ym mhob Gompa cawson ni amser i ymarfer myfyrdod.

On Sunday morning we went to Jambey Lhakhang, the Gompa was built in the 7th century. It's incredible to think of people who have had a Buddhist exercise here over the last 1300 years

Then we went to Kurjey Lhakhang, which has three beautiful temples that have been built between 1652 and 1984. Although they were built more than three centuries apart, they used the same architecture. It's one of the wonderful things about Bhutan, they use their traditional architecture everywhere. It gives a quality of timelessness to the place

After lunch, we walked from Tamshing Lhakhang which was built in 1501 by Pema Lingpa.

In each Gompa we had time to practice meditation

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