Bodolaeth gylchol

Bodolaeth gylchol ~ Cyclic existence

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Seiclais i i'r gwaith ar feic 'Nextbike' y bore 'ma.  Aeth e broses yn dda iawn pan roeddwn i wedi deall sut roedd rhaid i mi wneud. Doeddwn i ddim mor lwcus ar ddiwedd y dydd - doedd ddim beiciau ar gael o gwbl., felly cerddais i adre.  Fodd bynnag, doeddwn i ddim yn siomedig. Roeddwn i'n hapus bod y beiciau yn mor boblogaidd.

Mae'r teitl heddiw 'Bodolaeth gylchol' tipyn bach o jôc ar syniad Bwdist.  Yn Fwdhaeth rydyn ni'n siarad am 'Bodolaeth gylchol' - i fynd  rownd mewn cylchoedd. Mae'n cyfeirio, yn rhannol, i arferion meddwl, lle rydyn ni'n parhau i wneud yr un peth, er nad yw'n dod â hapusrwydd. I fi, wrth gwrs, mae fi 'Bodolaeth gylchol' ydy'r amser rydw i'n treulio yn reidio beic. Fy meic, neu feic fy mod i wedi llogi, maen nhw'n i gyd yn bleserus.

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I went to work on a 'Nextbike' bike this morning. The process went very well when I understood what I had to do. I was not so lucky at the end of the day - no bikes were available at all, so I walked home. However, I was not disappointed. I was happy that the bikes were so popular.

The title today 'Cyclic existence' is a little bit of joke on a Buddhist idea. In Buddhism we talk about 'Cyclic existence' - to go round in circles. It refers, in part, to mental habits, where we continue to do the same thing, although it does not bring happiness. For me, of course, my 'Cyclic existence' is the time I spend riding a bike. My bike, or a bike I've hired, they're all enjoyable.

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