investigations of a dag

By kasty

The day I was deleted

my last day at work.
backblip.. as just so much was happening moving city and starting uni.

I cleared my desk the day before. I set up some videoconfs to say goodbye to the teams in Manchester. I had a wee greet in the toilets after that but held it together for the goodbye huddle round my desk. I wonder if how much I really took it all in. I could barely see through the emotional elastic needed to hold it together. Eight years was a long time.

The most surreal moment of all was watching the reception staff delete me from the system. I had to take a picture of that!

I received some amazingly generous presents that will buy a LOT of books.
I head to the pub after. I booked a few tables and some folks turn up. And Honined took much better pictures than me. After that karoke bar had to be.. and after that I knew how it felt to be free (and very very hungover)

When I started blip I had no idea all of this would happen. It was a magical wee rabbit hole in my day to cheer me up. I had no idea it would turn into a record of a big jump out of an office job / proper career into artistic impoverishment.

Life was already moving fast but over this time (mid-august till oct) it got blindingly fast, so fast I couldn't think, sleep, or stop to think about it. I just had to run on and on trying to catch it.

I feel bad that those of you who have (maybe in my head!) watched this all happen may feel a bit cheated about not seeing the the big climax happen more real time, but life was just too fast and wriggly to grip it and blip it. Or it was beyond me to do it. I'll be honest, I regret that. I won't let it happen again.

Now a few weeks have past I feel I've had enough of life screaming past, bronco-ing me day to day and I'd like to get down what I can recall of this time and what happened. It will make for a few crap entries and forgotten gems but the random stuff I can rescue from the flood of life that's happened has to be better than nothing. it's like dredging my head for memories.. random things come up.

I feel like I want to record that Natalia the wild Spanish canteen lady didn't in the end make it out to the leaving do but I got a text telling me her husband is too drunk for her to come out too. I'm sad I didn't get dragged to a party party salsa bar with her. Pubs she finds tricky to understand us all in. I fear for her husband in the morning, she really wanted to come out.

also for the record. I very nearly did have a wee cry in the pub when saying goodbye to my old boss. He hired me and we'd had our ups and downs (he seems to think my problem was I was too "detailed" I seem to think the detail I liked best of all was doing things a better way) but it was a bit wave of reality when he left. He is very good at what he does. And really, it probably wasn't what I wanted to do anyway.

LOVE the lyrics from the Karoke btw..

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